Keir Starmer’s Incredible Political Transformation: From Corbyn’s Shadow to Brexit Hero!

Starmer often exhibits characteristics and undertakes actions that closely resemble those typically associated with politicians on the right side of the political spectrum. This has given rise to speculation regarding a possible link between the Labour and Conservative parties. The mysterious nature of Starmer’s private life further complicates his public image, resulting in diminished popularity compared to that of the Labour Party itself, as voters perceive him as an enigmatic figure.

Starmer against Corbyn

It could be more precise to assert that Keir Starmer’s sole consistent stance thus far revolves around his opposition to Jeremy Corbyn. During Corbyn’s leadership, the Labour Party strengthened its connections with the trade union movement, whereas Starmer openly criticised Labour politicians for supporting striking workers. As noted by The Guardian, Corbyn had pledged to repeal the Conservative government’s Trade Union Act, which had significantly restricted unions’ activities and their capacity to organise against unfair employers.

Former leader Jeremy Corbyn had expressed readiness to entertain the idea of a second referendum on Scotland’s independence and a united Ireland. However, Starmer has taken a firm stance to preserve the United Kingdom’s unity, as The National reported. Corbyn had asserted that Indyref2 was the “absolutely right thing to do,” prompting calls for Labour to reconsider its increasingly untenable opposition to the second referendum.

These positions underscore Starmer’s inclination towards a more right-leaning worldview, reflecting his belief that rejuvenating the Labour Party necessitates severing ties with Corbyn. According to POLITICO, Jeremy Corbyn has accused Starmer of reneging on his commitment to uphold the rights of Labour members. Three years after stepping down as Labour leader, Corbyn faces being barred from standing as a Labour candidate in the next general election under Starmer’s leadership. Starmer has proposed a motion to his party’s governing body to prevent Corbyn from representing Labour in future elections.

Starmer, similar to Blair 

Mr Starmer and Tony Blair both moved from law to politics. As the UK in a Changing Europe says, in April, George Galloway joked that Keir Starmer is ‘Tony Blair without the laughs’. Indeed, a recent YouGov poll, taken 100 days into Starmer’s time as Labour leader, showed that a third of UK voters compare Starmer to Tony Blair.

Mr Starmer pushed the policies of the Labor Party to the right, even as the Conservative Party took far-right positions. Last year, Mr Starmer backed harsher sentences for disruptive environmental activists. In January, when Westminster launched an unprecedented attack on devolved Scottish autonomy, he remained silent and took no action.

As Study Smarter reports, Tony Blair maintained restrictions on trade unions. Devolution gave Scotland and Wales more control over their countries at his time. However, it was not a sign that Tony Blair or his government supported complete independence for either of them.

Starmer supporting Brexit

His clearest U-turn came on Brexit. Starmer has a profound belief in the European Union. However, he has rejected the possibility of Britain rejoining the European Union in the next Labor Party government. The exciting thing is that Starmer has been privately criticising Corbyn for his mild opposition to Brexit for three years. Today, Starmer acts as a Brexiteer. He refuses to accept a compromise allowing the UK access to some EU rights. Freedom of movement for British citizens within Europe and vice versa is one of these rights.

As the Guardian says, Keir Starmer has thrown Labour back into the Brexit debate. He has ruled out any return to the single market or customs union. Starmer argued he could remove trade and travel barriers as prime minister because the EU would trust him. He added that the big questions over EU membership were “arguments of the past”. He argued that questions over the single market, customs union and free movement of people could not be revisited.

As POLITICO reports, Starmer once campaigned harder than many in his party to reverse the result of the Brexit referendum. However, on Wednesday, he accused the Conservatives of failing to make the most of Britain’s newfound freedoms (i.e., Brexit). He doubled down on his view that the UK’s future “is outside the EU.”

Starmer’s slogans or false promises 

Starmer began his career as an ambitious lawyer and became a brutal politician. However, he has never comprehensively explained why he wants to be prime minister. He needs to clearly explain what he will do if he becomes prime minister.

According to TIME, Starmer has revived Labour to a more centrist party ready to take office. However, this issue coincides with seemingly endless problems in Britain. Under the Tories (Conservatives), the country has moved from one crisis to another. Starmer says Working people want change,”. “They don’t wish to talk about it. They don’t want false promises. They want it fixed. Mr Starmer is shouting big slogans. However, he needs clarification about what his aims and ideals are. His slogans may turn out to be false promises.

Starmer needs more party and social support

As Telegram reports, Sir Keir Starmer’s popularity in the Red Wall has dropped to its lowest level since September. A new survey showed that 34 per cent of voters in the critical seats approved of the Labour leader’s performance. However, the same percentage said they disapproved – giving him a net approval rating of zero. Redfield and Wilton Strategies conducted the survey.

Elsewhere Telegraph reports that voters told pollsters that the Labour leader is ‘boring’. Moreover, they also used another word to describe him, and it’s far more damaging. According to JL Partners, Sir Keir’s biggest problem is that many voters describe him as “weak”.

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