Censorship and Secrecy: A Tool of Corruption in the Royal Family

The Guardian, attempting to disclose the assets of the Royal Family, uncovered another veil of investments and the method of hiding them via a fake company. Accordingly, with the government’s help, Queen Elizabeth II changed the rules to allow the royals to conceal the size and value of their property through such a dummy corporation. Financial corruption and illegal activities in the increase of unlawful property and assets in the royal family are investigated in this article.


The secrecy of the British royal family

The Guardian begins its report by saying that Prince Andrew has held his wealth through a UK government-backed shell company created to hide royal investments from public scrutiny. He is one of five members of the royal family who used the Bank of England Nominees Corporation, which was established in the 1970s, to prevent public disclosure of the investments of former Queen Elizabeth II.

The influence of corruption on most members of the royal family

The Guardian has discovered that Queen was not the only member of the royal family to use the facility. Still, her sister Margaret, her husband Philip, and children Charles and Andrew held shares in Bank of England Nominees. But this issue becomes important when we know that Andrew was, at the same time, the government’s special trade representative. Through this position, he had access to sensitive business information.

Unauthorised economic activities of the British royal family

The Guardian wrote that in 1973, a bill was proposed to make corporate shares more transparent and public oversight of the Queen’s finances. Documents show that Elizabeth’s lawyer was horrified by the proposal and warned the government that the Queen did not want the public to know what shares she owned because it would be embarrassing. Accordingly, the royal palace secretly lobbied the government to find a way out of this dilemma. The solution included a provision to quietly change the law and allow the government to exempt certain companies from the disclosure requirement. In this way, the way was paved for the activity of the formal company of the royal family, and the people were not aware of the details of the royal family’s property for three decades.

The Guardian documents reveal the corruption of the British royal family

New documents seen by the Guardian show that the law was scrapped in 2011 because the government deemed it untenable. But Elizabeth and Andrew were the last to use Bank of England Nominees to hide their assets, according to documents released between 2006 and 2010. After that, due to the ethical scandals, he caused, Andrew first resigned from the government’s special commercial representative and then left the royal family circuit.

Behind the scenes of the British royal family

In recent weeks, the Guardian has opened a new news file under the Cost of the Throne name. It has investigated the royal family’s properties with an eye to the UK’s economic problems and the Cost of living crisis. Three weeks ago, the Guardian revealed the role of the Monarchy in the slave trade by publishing a series of reports. According to a document provided by English historian Dr Brooke Newman to the Guardian, in 1689, an amount of 1,000 pounds was transferred from the shares of an African company active in the field of the slave trade to King William III. Edward Colston’s name is seen in this document; a businessman who at the time made good money from the African slave trade to the West, his statue was pulled down in Bristol during anti-apartheid protests three years ago.

Supplying the wealth of the British royal family with the slave trade

The Guardian examined in detail the relationship between the British royal family and slavery and wrote that a large part of the wealth of the British royal family and the country was provided through the slave trade. Charles has announced his support for research into the royal family’s historical ties to slavery and expressed regret for the crimes committed in this context. Still, he has not accepted the central role of the Monarchy in this context. This is while, according to historians, during the 270 years of British history, 12 rulers of this country have supported or benefited from slavery.

Request for a referendum on the future of the British Monarchy

The republican movement, which has thousands of members and tens of thousands of supporters, has been calling for a referendum on the future of the British royal system for years and insists that this system is a reminder of the oppressions that British kings have inflicted on the people. Recently, the Guardian has discussed all these questions with Buckingham Palace. However, the British royal system officials have only raised the issue that you should go and ask some other institution. They also said to go about your business, or you are not allowed to know these things.

Prohibition of criticising the behaviour of the British royal family

In the obituaries of Queen Elizabeth II, the calmness that she brought to the British political scene was specifically praised; however, the culture that she created in the UK and in the form which the people of this country were denied access to essential information about the system. The Monarchy of this country is deprived; no mention was made. Interestingly, any correspondence with the king and Queen or their heirs is completely prohibited, and no interview or information can be obtained in this way. What is more interesting is that it is completely forbidden for Parliament members to criticise the royal family’s behaviour, no matter how prominent their scandal is.

Private and confidential archives of the British royal family

The British Monarchy says the Royal Archives are open to all scholars and researchers. However, they are, in practice, completely private and confidential. Some institutions must permit researchers to delve into the royal archives and can even prevent them from doing so. However, nowhere do we see more censorship and secrecy than in the finances of the British Royal Family. Interestingly, even the wills of less critical people in the British royal family are subject to censorship. The British Monarchy carefully hides the wealth of the British royal family and says it is a personal matter.

Strict rules regarding the wealth of the British royal family

Many of these censorships and strict rules regarding the wealth of the British royal family have their roots in the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. In the last three years, numerous documents have been revealed by the Guardian, which show that Queen Elizabeth and her advisers have repeatedly abused the procedure and legality of the crown’s consent to change some British laws secretly and to hide the personal wealth of essential members of the British royal family. The public opinion of this country has been hidden.

The collaboration of governments with the royal family

How much money is spent on protecting the British royal family is controversial. The UK government, an ally of the Monarchy in this country’s secret matters and behind-the-scenes actions, emphasises that even disclosing minor issues can carry severe threats to the members of the British royal family. What is clear is that the British intelligence agencies have much secret, negative and revealing information from the UK monarchy.

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