Fewer People Will Follow Covid Rules for Christmas

Practise what you preach! On 18 December 2020, when London was under harsh quarantine rules, Downing Street hosted a Christmas party violating its own restrictions while people suffered social distancing. Legislators must set an example if people are to care about the law and take it seriously; otherwise, there will be chaos.

The Critical Conditions of 18 December 2020

The party was held at 10 Downing Street, the prime minister’s official residence, at a time when gatherings were banned and people were dying of coronavirus in hospitals across the UK. On December 18, Christmas parties and family visits were forbidden; this was a time when people were unable to visit their loved ones if they were sick, or even attend funerals.

People’s Reaction to the Christmas Scandal

Although the government denies any lawlessness, it is now clear that Mr Johnson hosted the Christmas party last year. A document imposing new rules on “behavioural principles” states: “Perceived inconsistencies in messaging and enforcement will erode credibility and support for government policies and guidance, and so it is important that all individuals and organisations implement the guidance appropriately”. Officers are concerned about every harsh reaction by the people against any action to prohibit parties.

It seems that the people’s only demand from the government is that they follow the rules they impose on the population. It is now quite clear that this did not happen. In one survey, half of those polled said they will not follow the new Covid-19 rules and restrictions at Christmas this year and blamed it on the Downing Street scandal. Polls show that 75% of Britons want police to prosecute government officials for failing to comply with the law during the second wave of coronavirus.  One bereaved family who lost a loved one to Covid said it was simply impossible to say how upsetting it was to hear Boris Johnson’s laughter at the party, breaking their own rules. Families who lost loved ones during Christmas last year called it a betrayal of law-abiding people.

Predicting the Serious Situation of Omicron

Health Minister Sajid Javid said the number of confirmed Omicron cases in the UK was now 568, but the actual number was much higher. According to the UK Health and Safety Agency, the number of confirmed infections is almost 20 times higher than the confirmed number.  Professor Neil Ferguson, a key member of SAGE, proposed a quarantine to deal with Omicron in the current circumstances, at which time scientists could study and develop an amplifier.

Omicron cases are on the rise in the UK and restrictions need to be enforced quickly. According to Sir Keir, the Covid restriction programmes should have been implemented weeks ago and again, as always, it is too late. Professor Chris Whitty, chief medical officer, said there has been a significant increase in hospitalisation rates due to the fast spread of the omicron infection. He was concerned about accepting new quarantine restrictions after two years into the pandemic. Also, Jenny Harries, head of the Health Security Agency (UKHSA), has warned that Omicron is the most important threat since the pandemic began. Although no final proposal for Plan C has yet been sent to cabinet ministers, reports indicate that government officials are considering possible plans for further restrictions. Layla Moran, leader of the all-party parliamentary group on coronavirus, described the political scandal at Downing Street as a serious threat to public health. She said that if the UK successfully confronts the Omicron threat, the people can trust the government to protect lives.

Action Plans to Deal with Omicron

With the outbreak of the new Omicron virus, restrictions will once again apply in the UK. Jobs that are able to do work at home should not be considered in the workplace. The use of masks in indoor spaces such as cinemas, theatres, churches, and galleries is also mandatory. The government has no plans to impose serious restrictions on rallies at this time, but in case of infection, more severe measures will be taken. Mr Johnson ordered the implementation of Plan B restrictions to buy time for the NHS and learn more about Omicron. When asked why they should follow the law when your staff accuses you of breaking it, the PM said: “The British people can see the vital importance of the medical information that we are giving. They can see the need to take it to heart and to act on it’.”

Although the vaccine has reduced mortality and hospitalisation rates, the daily incidence rate in the UK has more than doubled since December 2020. In these circumstances, there is a possibility of further restrictions and even the implementation of Plan D.

Contradictory Laws Laid Down in the New Wave

The laws enacted under Mr Johnson’s watch appear to be arbitrary and contradictory. The law says not to show up at work and to work from home, but there is no problem with going to the pantomime. Masks should be used in taxis, but there is no need to wear masks in pubs. Following the revelation of Downing Street parties during the quarantine period, Boris Johnson’s efforts to counter the new type of coronavirus have apparently failed.

Police Responsibility in Controlling Covid Restrictions

Due to the fact that the police are involved in issues such as investigating crimes, they cannot be responsible for enforcing the laws on masks and restrictions. Police expect businesses to be primarily responsible for monitoring these. Expressing concern, Police Federation President Neil Mennie has said that it is more difficult to enforce the laws than before because people have lived without restrictions for a while.

Police can find easier ways to stop parties. Why not stop a party at Downing Street when they know about it? Given the circumstances, perhaps the people are left to their own devices not to do endanger their own health and the health of others.

The People’s Response to New Coronavirus Restrictions

Johnson’s complete disregard for his own laws encourages people to break coronavirus restrictions. Now, if a party is disrupted by the police and party-goers are fined, they can respond by saying that I followed the leadership of the Prime Minister and thought that if I only did what he was doing, it would be the best. But should people express their dissatisfaction with the government by ignoring the laws? If they get infected, do they not risk their lives and the lives of their loved ones? Some have blamed Downing Street figures and the media for the deaths. Because according to opinion polls, 77% of people will no longer abide by the law.

Polls show that people no longer trust the government. The Independent asked Mr Johnson if he was sure people were still listening to his Covid instructions. Mr Johnson replied that the people must have realised that Omicron is more transmissible. Also, the chief medical officer at the Downing Street briefing said that Omicron was moving at a remarkably higher speed and that there will be a significant increase in hospitalisations after Christmas.

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