UK Government’s Party Scandal Weakens Covid Restrictions Rules

Britain has recorded the highest number of daily Covid cases in recent days since the pandemic began. Covid restrictions rules could become tough to curb the spread of Covid variants. However, after a revelation of the UK government’s party scandal, there are fears of public non-compliance with Covid rules. 

Government Could Restore Strict Covid Rules 

The new variant of Covid called Omicron has made up 50 per cent of new cases across Britain. It has spread across England and Scotland, then the first death with Omicron was officially reported on December 13. Once Omicron was detected in Britain, Prime minister Boris Johnson announced some restrictions in the country. Prime Minister recommended that people receive a booster shot to protect Britain’s freedom and way of life. New measures took effect on November 30 to prevent the spread of the Omicron variant. Early measures are compulsory face covering and mandatory PCR tests for international arrivals. Now, as Omicron cases are surging ahead of the Christmas holiday, Johnson may introduce strict rules such as social distancing. Nevertheless, after the UK government’s party scandal was revealed, there are possibilities people would not follow the rules.

While People Had to be Alone, UK Officials Held a Party

As the British society faced fresh Covid challenges, British citizens got angry at a leaked video of official disobedience of rules. This video revealed the UK government’s party scandal while under Covid restrictions. Prime Minister’s senior aides were joking about breaching the lockdown and holding a Christmas party in 2020. British people criticized the officials in power for running a dual-rule system. All people have had limitations to curb the virus, but No 10 organized a Christmas party. Around 50 people gathered in a room at No 10, but they laughed and called it a “cheese and wine” event. Johnson has always claimed that No ten officials have followed Covid rules. At that party, national laws banned social mixing indoors, so people celebrated Christmas alone.

There Are Reports of Several Conservative Parties 

British citizens have the right to be sure the officials in power comply with the same rules as they do. The UK government’s party scandal shows that the officials break the rules in secret. As some people lost the opportunities to meet loved ones before they passed away, officials gathered for a party.

Some sources said that many parties at No 10 were in the lockdowns. Some sources also claimed there were parties in the flat of Boris Johnson. The people who meant to run the country did not follow the rules they set. There is one rule for them and another for the rest of the country. During the pandemic, Westminster tested and traced people and made them follow social distancing rules. As the UK government’s party scandal has revealed, citizens could become unwilling to obey more rules.

It Is Hard for Johnson to Enforce New Restrictions

There is growing anger among the British public, so police officers warned people are less likely to follow restriction rules. Police officers fear that any measure to prohibit parties would result in a significant backlash from the public. People may think the government prevents them from their right of meeting a person they love. A YouGov poll shows that people could disobey any future restriction rule as the government has not followed its own rules. According to the survey, 46 per cent of respondents said they would not comply with Covid restrictions. This comes when the new Covid variant spreads rapidly, and the number of new cases has sharply increased. The UK government’s party scandal has caused the loss of credibility for it to set new Covid limitation rules.

Criticisms against Johnson Have Increased 

The Conservative party’s social gathering at a critical time of the Covid pandemic hit Johnson’s reputation. The UK government’s party scandal proves they undermined existing risks for public health. Johnson is now in real trouble that some Conservative party members have turned on him. Critics had already criticized the prime minister for refurbishing his flat and luxury holiday. A group of conservative backbenchers has called for a vote of confidence in his leadership. This is an actual inter-party challenge for Johnson, which damaged his position. The public support for the government’s handling of pandemics has decreased significantly.

After the UK government’s party scandal was revealed, 54 per cent of people said that Prime Minister should resign in a poll. Labor’s leader Keir Starmer and Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon asked Johnson to apologize and clean up the issue.

Labor Leader Gained more Popularity.

Lack of trust in the Prime Minister grew before the revelation of the UK government’s party scandal. He had lost his Popularity, and a survey by the Observer in early 2021 exposed many thought Johnson should resign. Around 43 per cent said he must have left the office, while 40 per cent thought he could continue as prime minister. In the same survey, 20 per cent of respondents said Keir Starmer could make a better candidate for the premiership. After the UK government’s party scandal revealed lately, the Labor party has taken a nine-point lead over the Conservative party. A survey for the Observer found 41 per cent of people would vote for Starmer, the Labor party leader. Around 59 per cent of people said they disagreed with Johnson’s job. Growth of dissatisfaction with Boris Johnson has put his position at risk.


The number of Covid cases in the UK has reached a new record high in the last few days. It is a warning for the UK government and the National Health Service (NHS). The government has enforced restrictions, and it could restore lockdown limitations in the upcoming weeks. But there are fears that people will no longer comply with the lockdown rules.

While people were under strict restrictions last Christmas, the UK government members held a party at No 10. Some of the Prime Minister aids laughed at Covid rules which caused anger. Boris Johnson has lost his reputation, and many people now disapprove of his jobs. It is hard for Johnson to keep people at home during the upcoming holiday. He should come clean on what had happened at No ten and make efforts to gain the public trust. He needs more public trust to manage the country while the virus spreads fast.

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