What happened to the UK-France agreement on immigrants?

What happened to the UK-France agreement on immigrants?

What is the impact of Brexit on the immigrant crisis?

What are Boris Johnson’s demands from France regarding immigrants?

What is the reason for France’s anger at Boris Johnson over immigrants?


France and the UK have blamed each other for sinking a refugee boat in the English Channel, which killed scores of asylum seekers. The UK government is now stepping up pressure on France to prevent asylum seekers from crossing the border. The UK-France agreement on immigrants came when 31 immigrants lost their lives a few days ago.

Johnson and Macron agree on immigrants.

The UK PM and the President of the French agreed to step up their joint efforts to prevent migrants from crossing the English Channel. Recently, 31 people lost their lives in this route. A spokesman for UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that he and French President Emmanuel Macron had agreed to urgently step up their efforts to prevent deadly crossings and do everything possible to prevent gangs responsible for endangering lives. Boris Johnson’s spokesman stressed that if we want to deal with the problem before people reach the French coast, they noted the importance of working closely with neighbours in Belgium and the Netherlands and partners across the continent. It seems that the UK-France agreement on immigrants is inevitable and should be done.

Victims of large numbers of immigrants in the English Channel

Following the deaths of many asylum seekers in the English Channel, the UK Prime Minister called for a joint agreement with Paris to repatriate refugees crossing the crossing. Merkel also supported Warsaw’s anti-immigration measures in a meeting with the Polish Prime Minister. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called for a joint agreement with Paris to repatriate refugees. He wrote in a Twitter message that this could be the most significant step in destroying the business model of criminal smuggling gangs.

Brexit and its impact on the immigrant crisis

The UK-France agreement on immigrants has become very difficult after the Brexit. Since the Brexit, the UK can no longer use EU regulations to return asylum seekers. Johnson also published the text of a three-page letter to Macron outlining plans, including joint patrols with France, to counter the influx of asylum seekers. Johnson also accused France of underemployment. Johnson’s spokesman cited a €62 million British grant to support controls on the English Channel. He said the money was used to stop immigrants.

France tightens surveillance of immigrants.

The UK-France agreement on the essential factor in the recent tensions between the two countries is monitoring. France has announced that it will strengthen its surveillance of the northern coast. ” I would … say very clearly that our security forces are mobilized day and night,” French President Emmanuel Macron said. He promised the maximum mobilization of French security forces by deploying reserve forces and drones to strengthen coastal surveillance. Macron said France had become a transit country for migrants, so more European co-operation was needed to combat illegal immigration.

Cancellation of negotiations with the UK by France

The UK-France agreement on immigrants has so far failed. French interior minister has cancelled talks with British Home Secretary Priti Patel after UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson called on France to take back migrants who crossed the English Channel. 

French Interior Minister Gerard Darmanin said he was disappointed with a recent letter from UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. A few days ago, the crew of a fishing boat in the waters near Calais in France found the bodies of asylum seekers who had drowned trying to reach the south of the UK via the English Channel. The asylum seekers’ boat in the English Channel killed 31 people, including three children and a pregnant woman.

The most significant loss of life of the English Channel

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) said the incident a few days ago was the most significant loss of life on the channel since statistics began in 2014. French Interior Minister Gerard Darmanin said five women and a girl were among the dead. He said two people were rescued, but one is still missing. France has opposed UK’s request to send border troops and police to conduct joint patrols, citing concerns about the consequences of its national sovereignty.

Boris Johnson requests from Macron.

The UK-France agreement on immigrants is falling apart. The French interior minister publicly criticized the UK’s request for his country, saying it would worsen the situation. In a letter to French President Emmanuel Macron, Johnson suggested five steps to prevent the disaster on the English Channel. ,” Darmanin said in a statement:

 “We consider the British Prime Minister’s public letter to be unacceptable and contrary to the discussions we had with our counterparts, Therefore, Priti Patel is no longer invited to the interministerial meeting on Sunday, which is maintained in the format of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and the European Commission.” 

Five demands of Boris Johnson from France

Boris Johnson’s requests have damaged the UK-France agreement on immigrants to Macron. Boris Johnson wrote on his Twitter account that he had asked France to consider five measures. These five measures are: Joint patrols to prevent more boats from leaving French beaches, deploying more advanced technology, like sensors and radar, joint maritime patrols in each other’s territorial waters and airborne surveillance, deepening the work of the countries’ typical intelligence cell, immediate work on a bilateral returns agreement with France, alongside talks to establish a UK-EU returns deal. For an agreement between the UK and the EU on the repatriation of asylum seekers and the activities of the two countries’ patrol forces in each other’s regional waters and regional air surveillance.

The English Channel is the cause of the French-British dispute.

The UK Prime Minister asked France to agree to the repatriation of migrants who crossed the English Channel. Just hours after Johnson’s letter was posted on Twitter, the French government openly expressed its anger. French government spokesman Gabriel Attal said the clear UK had ignored France’s extensive activities on the English Channel. Johnson said he had written to French President Emmanuel Macron in five specific steps, moving faster and further to prevent a repeat of the tragedy.

 However, British Transport Secretary Grant Shapps defended Johnson’s letter, saying “friends and neighbours” should work together. “No nation can do it alone. “No nation can tackle this alone. I hope the French will reconsider. It’s in our interests. It’s in their interests. It’s certainly in the interests of people who are being people trafficked to the UK, with these tragic scenes we’re seeing – people losing their lives,” Shapps said.

The English Channel and the events that followed the migrants’ attempt to travel to the British coast through this passage have always focused on tensions and differences between Paris and London. According to confirmed statistics, nearly 26,000 people have reached the country’s shores via the English Channel using small boats since the beginning of this year; statistics have tripled compared to the same period last year. It seems that the UK-France agreement on immigrants still has a long way to go.

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