Recent Public Polls in the UK: Growing Demands for Rejoining the EU

The latest survey results show that most Britons believe that Brexit has dramatically damaged the economy, trade, public services and their country’s position in the world, and the desire to rejoin the EU is increasing. Will Westminster’s officials make any initial preparations to rejoin the EU following such general remorse? Meanwhile, how has Brexit damaged business corporations’ activities? The poll found that 61 percent of voters say that Brexit has made the UK economy worse, while only 13 percent say it has improved the economic situation.

The process of leaving the UK from the EU

The plan to withdraw the UK from the EU was proposed by former UK Prime Minister David Cameron in 2013 to exempt the country from the implementation of some cumbersome rules of the EU. He did not believe in Brexit but used this leverage to bargain with EU leaders. In the referendum of 2016, 51.9% of the British people voted to leave the EU, and 48.1% of them voted to stay in this Union, and thus Cameron resigned from his position. After him, the government fell into the hands of the British Home Secretary, Theresa May, to implement the Brexit project.


Boris Johnson Implements Brexit

In 2019, due to three years of negotiations between the May government and the EU, the two sides reached an agreement that the British House of Commons did not agree to. Finally, Theresa May resigned from her position so that Boris Johnson, a seemingly radical figure, managed to change the composition of the parliament in favour of his party by holding early elections and passing the agreement with a few amendments.

Disadvantages of Brexit for the Britons

But the current agreement needs to give the UK the freedom to fish in its waters, release it from EU regulations and standards, or even give it enough slack to sign independent trade agreements with other countries. It even paves the way for EU intervention on the internal border between Northern Ireland and the mainland.


The latest survey results

The findings of the prestigious BMG institute show that one out of 10 Brexit supporters has regretted and wants Britain to rejoin the EU. According to this survey of the British, most believe that if this country returns to the EU, the cost of living crisis will improve, and trade with other countries will develop.


Positive effects of the UK’s re-membership in the EU

In this survey, 47% predicted that the UK’s re-membership in the EU will have positive results, and 24% think otherwise. According to those who participated in this survey, with the UK’s re-membership in the EU, the problems of the collapsing health system of this country, its position and influence in the world will also improve.


The only adverse effect of the UK’s re-membership in the EU

The only area in which they consider the UK’s re-membership in the EU unhelpful is immigration. 33% believe the situation will worsen with the UK’s re-membership in the EU, and 26% think it will improve. Overall, the findings of the BMG poll show that 43% favour the UK returning to the EU, and 41% are against it. This survey was conducted among 1,502 British adults between 24 and 26 January.


The view of business companies about the Brexit results

According to a survey by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), more than three-quarters of business companies in the UK said that the trade agreement between the London government and the EU for the post-Brexit period did not help their business development.


The trust of British citizens in the EU

The survey showed that British citizens trust the EU more than their government. The King’s College London survey results show that about a quarter of the British people trust the government, but more trust the EU. Accordingly, only a small number of British citizens are happy about Brexit. According to a survey of the British conducted on behalf of King’s College London, British trust in the EU has increased to 39% three years after Brexit.


The desperation of the Britons to leave the EU

At 49%, almost half of Britons are disappointed that their country will leave the EU at the end of January 2020 – less than a quarter (24%) are happy about it. “We need to work hard and quickly to shore up public confidence,” said Bobby Duffy, director of the Policy Institute at King’s College London. He added: “The pandemic showed how much we rely on public cooperation in times of crises, with confidence crucial to that, and the review of the Met police concluded ‘public consent is broken.”


Decreased trust in UK government institutions

Other British institutions, such as political parties and the media, also scored poorly in this survey. For example, after numerous scandals, trust in the British police has dropped to 67%. Accordingly, in Scotland, where the ruling SNP is pushing for independence and a return to the international community, 59% of people are disappointed with the outcome of Brexit, more than in the other three parts of the country. There, 50% trust the EU.


The downward trend in the popularity of the Conservatives after Brexit

The ruling Conservatives are currently trailing Labor in the polls due to the government’s chaos in recent months. Since the new prime minister, Rishi Sunak, took office at the end of October, he has helped halt the Conservatives’ current downward trend in popularity. However, the situation will be challenging for the conservatives. People think that conservatives can no longer be trusted to lead the country.

Negative Consequences of Brexit for the UK

The UK did not have a better time in the post-Brexit era and faced many issues and problems, especially in the economic field. Brexit has had dire economic consequences for the UK, leading to higher costs, more bureaucracy, border delays, and supply chain and logistics shortages.

The futile nature of Brexit for the Britons

British people these days, when the inflation in the country has reached the highest level in the last half-century, are more aware of the futility of Brexit. In the agreement reached, the UK did not get any unique points. What is interpreted as preserving sovereignty or taking control of the country’s destiny is practically meaningless with the restrictions imposed in this agreement. Although the UK government insists that the war in Ukraine causes the country’s economic problems, analysts attribute a more significant contribution to Brexit.

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