Boris Johnson Policies

Tax increases as part of Johnson’s economic policies led to many protests.

Boris Johnson Defends His Economic Plan to Raise Taxes

“We’ve got to make sure that as we spend, we make these colossal investments; which I repeat I think is the morally and economically right thing to do. We’ve got to get value out of it. We’ve got to make sure people see that they are getting the services they need when they need then,” Boris Johnson said.

Boris Johnson argued that the tax increases were for better service delivery in various fields such as healthcare. But as protests against the decision escalated, Boris Johnson was forced to back down.

Foreign Policies by Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson’s policies have so far not been accepted by the people and caused much dissatisfaction across UK.  His foreign policy has also led to dissatisfactions.

  1. The Brexit Plan

Among Boris Johnson’s foreign policies was the Brexit plan, or Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union; as discussed in previous articles, and as predicted by the opponents of the plan, Brexit caused numerous economic hardships, including high inflation, losses to businesses, and rising unemployment.

Inflation in the United Kingdom reached 7.8% in the 12 months to April, compared with 7.4% in the European Union during the same period. It is expected to peak above 10% later this year, a higher rate than the United States.

  1. The Russia-Ukraine war

The Russia-Ukraine war has also had disastrous consequences for the UK as part of NATO. It has led to increasing food and fuel prices and shortages, forcing lower-income households to choose between “heating” and “eating” as Russia drastically cut oil supplies to Europe.

  1. Immigration plan

The policies of Boris Johnson’s Home Secretary, Priti Patel, on sending illegal immigrants to Rwanda have been criticised by Human rights organisations and some of Johnson’s party members.

Concerns include Rwanda’s human rights records as the country has a violent history of treating immigrants; in 1994, Hutu extremists killed more than 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus and it is not one of the safest countries in the world.

Many of Boris Johnson’s party members called the government’s plan inhumane and referred to it as “the English model of Guantanamo Bay”.


The premiership of Boris Johnson has been shaken by the “Partygate” scandal, with months of allegations of gatherings taking place at the heart of government during strict lockdown rules and pandemic quarantines. This has eroded confidence in his leadership.

Following Boris Johnson’s inefficient policies, Conservative MP Jeffery Clifton Brown, in an interview, emphasised on the need to hold a vote of no-confidence against Johnson; 211 Tory MPs backed Johnson in the motion, but 148 voted against him.

“Devastating and the worst possible result from the Conservative Party’s point of view,” said former Conservative leader William Hague.

Although Boris Johnson won the confidence vote and stayed in office, more than 40% of his party members are against him staying in power and want his resignation.

Statement by Rebel Tories Against Boris Johnson

Andrea Leadsom

The conflict inside the Conservative Party has escalated to the point where Andrea Leadsom, one of the party’s most loyal MPs, delivered a long speech to Parliament, expressing anger at “anti-liberal regulations” and accusing the government of “authoritarianism.”

Oliver Dowden

Conservative Party Secretary, Oliver Dowden has resigned, and in a warning letter to Boris Johnson, said that “Supporters of the party were ‘anxious and frustrated’; we cannot continue to work normally, one has to take responsibility for the situation. I have come to the conclusion that in this situation, it is not right to remain in this position”.

Christopher Geidt

In a brief statement, Christopher Geidt, Boris Johnson’s moral adviser and independent adviser for ministerial affairs, announced his resignation to the prime minister.

“With regret, I feel that it is right that I am resigning from my post as Independent Adviser on Ministers’ Interests.” the statement said.

William Hague

Johnson should seek an honorable exit. “Words have been said that cannot be retracted, reports published that cannot be erased, and votes have been cast that show a greater level of rejection than any Tory leader has ever endured and survived.

“Deep inside, he should recognise that, and turn his mind to getting out in a way that spares party and country such agonies and uncertainties.” said William Hague, a British Conservative veteran and former party leader.

Jesse Norman

The prime minister has “presided over a culture of casual law-breaking” and left the government” adrift and distracted,” said Jesse Norman, a long-time Johnson supporter.

Steve Barclay

Following Boris Johnson’s policies, Steve Barclay who was a strong Brexit supporter and helped Johnson to take power, announced that he has voted for Mr Johnson to go because the prime minister had broken the law on the pandemic lockdowns.


Boris Johnson’s policies have so far not been accepted by the people and caused much dissatisfaction across the UK. Some rebel Tories in his party also want him out.

Even some of Boris Johnson’s own party members are dissatisfied with his recent policies and actions, and consider these to be a major defeat for the party in the coming term.

His popularity among the people of his own country has also dropped dramatically, and people no longer trust Boris Johnson’s executive policies as prime minister.

Therefore, Boris Johnson must resign, whether he wants to or not.

The Cloaked Council
The Cloaked Council
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