Trumpism and the anti-structural uprising mark the decline of liberal-democratic values

Which important American institutions have been shaken by Trumpism? What are the initial aftershocks of the attack on the US Congress? What are the international positions on the new US unrest?

If the post-American era has a date, it is definitely today.

It was a reminder of the fragility of liberal-democratic values.

The United States, the flagship of democracy and freedom in the world, is now waging an insurgency for democracy and freedom. According to historians, the invasion and occupation of the US Capitol today is the first of its kind since the British Army invaded Congress in 1812. Fifty people were arrested, 14 police officers were injured and four were killed in the riots. The peaceful transfer of power, which is the most fundamental principle of democracy, is facing a serious challenge these days in the cradle of democracy, the United States. The events in the United States these days are a reminder of the fragility of liberal-democratic values. In fact, the domestic riots and the attack on the US Capitol marked a turning point in the collapse of liberal-democratic values.

Internal aftershocks of the riot

One of the primary effects of this phenomenon was the separation of some Republican leaders from Trumpism and support for Biden. Following the support of some Republican leaders for President Joe Biden, many American users announced on Twitter that they were leaving the Republican Party. They considered 6 January 2021 the date of the death of the Republican Party. Their goal is to form a new party led by Donald Trump called the American Patriots in the image of the American White Eagle (as opposed to the Democratic donkey and the Republican elephant).

Thus, the world of liberal democracy is no longer a perfect model for a section of the American people. Evidence of this is the decision to form a new party in America. Of course, this will not be the whole story inside the United States. In addition, the impact of this turmoil on the institutionalisation of the way the United States is viewed internationally must be examined.

International positions on these unrests

Among non-democratic countries, Russia and China denounced the country’s political system.

A Russian foreign ministry spokesman said the United States no longer had the right to talk about democracy with other countries.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman also sarcastically compared the events in Hong Kong in 2019 with last night’s riots in the United States, saying that the events in Hong Kong were more severe than in Washington, but no one was killed.

These positions reflect the declining credibility of the United States, so that it will no longer be the model for the world. In fact, other patterns are growing at the same time as democracy is declining in the United States. The way China and Russia deal with the unrest in the United States shows this.

What is Trumpism?

Trump supporters made up at least 40 percent of American voters in the US presidential election. This high percentage indicates that the United States is more prone to internal problems than ever before. These problems, if exacerbated, could lead to local and state governments requesting secession from the US federal government. Trumpism is a movement, a cultural statement, and a political style that seeks to provide simple solutions to complex problems. As Fukuyama says, Trump’s defeat does not mean the end of Trumpism.

Trump supporters often see the rules of democracy and the law of the United States as unfair and oppressive. In fact, Trumpism is a family that has always felt that they are under oppressive laws and that they should take over the government and use the law against their enemies.

The effects of Trumpism on American institutions

The Trump movement is a sign of the weakness of democracy in the United States, and these weaknesses can be clearly seen in the following:

  1. Institutions: Trumpism sees virtually every major institution in the United States as obstructive and cumbersome, and attacks all of them, including the US Congress, the intelligence community, judges, the media, and the like. In fact, Trumpism hates any significant restrictions and wants to get rid of them. These institutions are all the product of the institution of democracy. In fact, the current turmoil in the United States shows that the normative and structural order of the United States has been further weakened. The turmoil in the United States these days has shown the weakening of the promises of democracy, such as the peaceful transfer of power and the rule of law. In fact, the Trump movement is the actual face and the inherent weakness of the country’s democratic institutions.
  2. Undermining the US Constitution: The idea of a possible military coup by Trump, which was raised among American public opinion and some of its political elites, is the first to be raised since the formation of the United States. This is an unprecedented challenge to the US Constitution. It is rare in American history for American political elites to say that the US military should not get involved in any electoral disputes in the coming days. Gaps in American society have crossed simple guerrilla lines. They now have profoundly different interpretations of the US Constitution and different understandings of American democracy. This public perception will not die during Biden’s presidency. In general, “Trumpism” and its impact on the US Constitution and democracy will not disappear for long.
  3. Leadership Problem: Republicans are now facing a leadership crisis. These constant changes in society have put Republicans at a crossroads. Trumpism prefers a specific and broad section of American society that cannot be ignored. On the other hand, it cannot represent another part of society. So there will be a strong bipolarity among Republicans. Signs of this are the formation of a new Trump-led party mentioned above.
  4. The Fate of US Alliances: It will be very difficult to repair relations with US allies and to revive the alliances from which Trump broke away.
  5. Loss of moral credibility: The United States has lost all its moral credibility in the world. This means that criticism of human rights abuses in countries such as China, Iran and Venezuela is only ridiculed.

Thus, after Trump persuaded the insurgents to attack the American capital, he turned American democracy into a scene of American discredit in the world. The loss of confidence in the US election and the loss of respect for American citizens were among the results of the Trump movement. It was not just an attack on Congress, but an attack on the foundations of democracy, the constitution and domestic and international public trust. Trumpism has made the United States a public and special mockery on the international stage by spreading false information and increasing distrust in the US system. According to Hillary Clinton, this was an attack on the American Democratic Foundation, and according to Richard Haass, Chairman of the US Council on Foreign Relations, if there is a history of the post-US era, it certainly exists today.

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