Lula da Silva Will Return to Brazil’s Presidency, Facing Lots of Challenges

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Lula da Silva will return to Brazil’s presidency in a wonderful political comeback. The leftist former president will face numerous challenges such as social justice problems, environmental issues, and economic struggles. The largest Latin American country and a top global economy hope for an economic expansion after several years of recession.

Brazilian Leftists on Top

The former leftist president of Brazil won the presidential election, defeating the far-right incumbent president. Lula da Silva topped Jair Bolsonaro and narrowly won the election after securing 50.9% of the votes against 49.1%. He came back to power following a string of left-wing wins in Latin America. He will be president for a third time at the age of 77. Lula da Silva will return to Brazil’s presidency after swearing in on 1 January 2023.

Enormous Challenges for Lula

Lula da Silva previously governed Brazil for two consecutive terms from 2003 to 2010. He was imprisoned after a series of allegations in 2018 and remained in custody for 580 days. Lula da Silva will return to Brazil’s presidency while 10 million people fell under the poverty line between 2019-2021. He will face several challenges as the literacy rate has fallen in recent years and society is deeply fractured. Besides, the world’s largest tropical rainforest Amazon has been deforested.

New Promises

Lula da Silva has said the country needs unity and peace after fights, following the defeat of his populist rival. He promised to govern the country for all Brazilians and not just for those who had voted for him. Lula da Silva has argued that people chose democracy by their votes in the election. The president-elect hopes the wheels of the economy will start turning again during his governance. Lula da Silva will return to Brazil’s presidency, pledging to fight poverty.

Economic Ups & Downs 

Lula da Silva had lifted around thirty million Brazilians out of poverty during his previous tenure. Brazil has remained a closed economy in recent years. Since 2011, Brazil’s growth in gross domestic product per capita has averaged zero. Lula da Silva will return to Brazil’s presidency and should restore the country’s economy. He must persuade investors and financial markets, but investors should be sure that Lula is committed to fiscal responsibility.

Lula’s Economic Expansion

In the early years of the 21st century, Brazil experienced an economic boom with more exports of raw materials and foodstuffs. The nation experienced a recession during the second decade of the century that has remained until today. Brazil’s inflation rate is 9% now, which the leftwinger president should reduce. Lula da Silva will return to Brazil’s presidency and must forge a more progressive tax system. Lula needs to propose fresh policies to generate long-term economic growth.

Political Tensions

Lula da Silva will return to Brazil’s presidency and voters, who chose him, hope for the return of democracy. Brazil does not have violence-free politics throughout its history. All major political changes involved tensions. The coups, the independence, and civil wars lead to the replacement of the monarchy by the republic. Later on, political violence has not gone away but was just under control. Soon, the leftist former president will come to power after years of imprisonment.

Controversial Right Wing

Lula da Silva’s electoral rival, the current president Bolsonaro, has already criticized Brazil’s election system. Bolsonaro had suggested he might not accept a loss and his supporters vowed to take to the streets at his command. The majority of Brazilian voters have rejected Bolsonaro and his divisive policies. The far-right president had promised to re-establish harmony in the country. However, what people experienced was a worse economy, the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, and many deaths during the Covid pandemic.

Environmental Agenda

Lula da Silva should quickly slash Amazon deforestation because the protection of the Amazon will be a fight against the climate crisis. Scientists say the Amazon biome emits more carbon dioxide than it absorbs which has disastrous consequences for the global atmosphere. During Lula’s previous tenure, his government could cut the annual rate of deforestation in the Amazon by 80%. There is huge pressure from foreign governments and the international community to control deforestation. Lula must tackle the mafias who plunder Brazil’s natural resources.

Latin America vs. Europe

The Western governments hope for the election’s impact on the future of the Amazon rainforest. Leaders from across the world have sent congratulations to Brazil’s president-elect. Leaders of European countries, BRICS, Latin America, and the US congratulated Lula. His victory came as a new wave of leftist leaders emerge in South America. Many of the countries there are governed by left-wing or center-left leaders. It is in contrast to Europe where populism is growing and far-right politicians have triumphed in elections.

Latin America’s Crises

There is an increasing risk of a recession in the global economy in the coming year. Latin American countries have suffered serious economic shocks and experienced a high rate of inflation. Crises related to employment, food security, the cost of living, health, climate, and social matters have impacts on these countries. Lula da Silva, the president-elect of the largest country in Latin America, inherits a lot of economic challenges. Lula da Silva will return to Brazil’s presidency facing lots of new struggles.

Strong Economic Resources

Brazil is the 10th largest economy in the world and the largest economy in Latin America. The country’s inflation is high while suffering from income inequality, and a rise in poverty. Brazil is a giant in agriculture, and manufacturing, and plays a globally important role in the mining industry. The country is internationally known for coffee, cacao, soybeans, sugar, cotton, and more agricultural products. Manufacturing and energy are important for Brazil’s GDP and it has a strong service sector.

Novel Measures

Brazil is one of the wealthiest countries in the world while inequalities are high. The income share of the top 10% of Brazil’s population is around 60% in 2021. However, there are income inequality, and spatial, and racial inequalities in Brazil. The economy has bounced back in recent years and the incoming government must address inequality and poverty. It should fight corruption and implement novel economic measures.

Tough Works

The leftist politician Lula da Silva will return to Brazil’s presidency following a stunning comeback. Brazil owns resources good enough for an economic boom, but it is a very unequal society. Lula da Silva will have to deal with social and financial challenges. He must reunify Brazil and stop isolating the country. Lula should encourage investments and expand the economy. He should boost social welfare to lessen income inequality. The leftist president will have a tough time ahead.

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