The peak of Omicron in UK: the severe shortage of medical personnel

The PM of the UK, Boris Johnson, has warned of the loss of a quarter of the workforce in the health sector, given the widespread outbreak of the Covid-19 and especially the new Omicron in UK. Almost one in ten employees in the UK health sector is currently absent, and the government is concerned about further shortages. 


Boris Johnson has called for emergency plans in such a scenario, saying that in the coming weeks, about a quarter of the department’s staff may go into quarantine and leave due to the expansion of Omicron in UK.

Johnson warns of the severe shortage of medical staff

The UK government is particularly concerned about widespread deficiencies in the public sector. Johnson has called on responsible secretaries to put decisive emergency plans on the agenda. On Friday, more than 110,000 health workers were absent, about half of whom had Covid-19 and had to be quarantined.

Rising cases of Covid-19 in the UK

UK is currently setting new records in Covid-19, and on Friday, it set a new record with 189,000 people in 24 hours. The admission of covid patients to hospitals has also increased sharply. At the same time, the health secretary, rejecting the tightening of restrictions, stated that we must learn to live with Covid-19. According to British media reports, the government has now set up emergency plans for hospitals, schools and other public institutions.

Remarks by the Health Secretary on the imposition of restrictions

The UK government has stated that it has no plans to tighten restrictions, despite the significant increase in new patients with coronary heart disease. “We must give ourselves the best chance of living alongside the virus and avoiding strict measures in the future,” British Health Secretary Sajid Javid wrote in an article in the Daily Mail on Saturday. New restrictions will only exist as a last resort.

Boris Johnson’s emphasis on increasing public immunization rates in the UK

Instead of tightening restrictions, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson pushes for higher vaccination rates to curb Covid-19. However, the British media reported that due to the widespread prevalence of Covid-19, school students in the UK would have to use the mask again in the classroom. The UK government announced that this recommendation is for children from the seventh grade. In addition to recommending the use of shows, the UK government has distributed about 7,000 more air filters to school classrooms.

The government’s plan to reduce the impact of the Omicron in UK

While stepping up its efforts to minimize disruption caused by the rapid outbreak of Omicron in the UK, the UK government has called on public sector managers to test their emergency plans for the worst-case scenario of 25% absenteeism. The government expects jobs and the public service sector in the coming weeks to Be disturbed. The statement added: “So far, disruption caused by Omicron has been controlled in most parts of the public sector, but public sector leaders have been asked to test worst-case worst case scenarios of workforce absence of 10%, 20% and 25%.”

Boris Johnson measures to reduce the prevalence of Omicron in UK.

The UK Cabinet Office, which coordinates government action, said Prime Minister Boris Johnson had called on ministers to work closely with their respective departments to develop emergency plans. According to the statement, Omicron’s impact on the workforce in the supply chain, public services and schools is closely monitored. Reduction measures include asking volunteers such as retired teachers to return to work. The Cabinet Office said work was underway to identify potential regulatory, policy or operational changes to minimize or reduce possible disruptions.

UK on the verge of a big wave of Covid-19 outbreak

An analysis by the Imperial College of Omicron shows that people with this condition are up to 20 per cent less likely to be admitted to hospitals than those with Delta. The estimates suggest that Omicron cases have, on average, a 20-25% reduced risk of any hospitalization and an approximately 40-45% reduced risk of a hospitalization resulting in a stay of one or more nights. 


Professor Neil Ferguson from Imperial College London said: “Our analysis shows evidence of a moderate reduction in the risk of hospitalization associated with the Omicron variant compared with the Delta variant. However, this appears to be offset by the reduced efficacy of vaccines against infection with the Omicron variant. However, New modelling from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) suggests the Omicron variant can cause a wave of transmission in England that could lead to higher levels of cases and hospitalizations than those seen during January 2021 if additional control measures are not taken.

The PM of the UK, Boris Johnson, will have to decide whether to take drastic action after reviewing the latest data on the Omicron in UK. Health experts in the UK say the restrictions could last until March. Reports indicate that the UK is on the verge of a significant wave of hospitalizations due to coronary heart disease. Despite the lower incidence of Omicron morbidity, its peak could be even higher than last winter. The government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) group has warned that the rise of hospital admissions may be comparable to or higher than previous peaks, including the second wave in January.

The Cloaked Council
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