The Worldwide Growth of Islam: How Many Muslims in the UK

A common question is, “How many Muslims in the UK exist?” The census taken during different years shows a significant increase in the number of Muslims in the UK. The census is a survey of trends across the UK undertaken every 10 years. It provides as accurate a picture of the makeup of the country as possible.

The latest census figures show that the Muslim population in the UK has raised  44 percent. Muslims represent around 6.3% of the UK’s population (4.13 million UK Muslims) as of 2023. Therefore, considering their population, it is important to how many Muslims live in the UK as they have a profound impact on the UK.

How Many Muslims in the UK: Why to Know?

An integrated part of the country’s social combination is the Muslim population in the UK. Understanding how many Muslims are in the UK, their economic contribution, and the challenges they face is crucial. An essential effect of Muslims is in the political decisions of the UK. The number of Muslims winning seats in Britain’s parliamentary elections is a major Muslim news outlet reported. 25 Muslims were elected to the House of Commons, which is the lower house of parliament. This number is recorded compared to 19 in 2019. This number of seats shows the importance of knowing how many Muslims there are in the UK.

The diversity of languages spoken by different Muslim groups is also important. There is no clear correlation between this linguistic difference and religious adherence. However, it is critical when taking into consideration some of the linguistic challenges experienced by transnational families, including Muslim families.

How Many Muslims in UK: 2023 and Predictions for 2050

In recent years, a common question has been, “How many Muslims are in the UK?” As of 2023, the UK Muslim population has been a significant focus of demographic studies. Muslims in the UK form a considerable proportion of the population. They have a younger range of age. In General, the particulars of Muslims in the UK show that the Muslim population in the UK could rise significantly by 2050.

Interest in the Muslim population in the UK has increased. According to the estimations, as of 2023, Muslims represent around 6.3% of the UK’s population (4.13 million UK Muslims). This figure is going to increase, highlighting the growing diversity in the UK.

How Many Muslims in the UK and around the world by 2030:

In about 20 years later, Muslims living around the world will have a 25% rise in population. New research by the US-based Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life has predicted.

Muslims will form 26.4% of the world’s total population of 8.3bn in 2030 if the present trend of rise continues. It will be up from 23.4% of the estimated 2010 world population of 6.9bn. Statistics from 1990 to 2010 show that the universal Muslim population increased at an average annual rate of 2.2%. From 2010 to 2030, the projected rate is 1.5% for the period. The population of Muslims in Europe will grow by nearly one-third over the next 20 years. It will rise from 6% of the region’s inhabitants in 2010 to 8% in 2030. The UK’s Muslim population will rise from 2.9m now to 5.6m in 2030 – up from 2% of the UK population to 4.6%.

How Many Muslims in the UK: London

The Muslim population in London is one of the largest of all major European cities. After Christianity, Islam is the second largest religion practiced in London. 607,000 people in the city identified themselves as Muslims or 8.5% of the general population of approximately 7,172,000. In comparison to national demographics, this number reveals the significance of giving an accurate understanding of Muslims in London. While 14% of the UK’s population lives in London, nearly 40% of Muslims in England and Wales live in London.

The UK census found 323,000 Muslims live in inner London (11.7% of the population). However, 284,000 Muslims live in outer London (6.5% of the population). The highest proportion is related to Tower Hamlets, which accounts for 36.4% of the population. The second largest Muslim population lives in Newham, with more than 24.3% identifying themselves as Muslims. 39%, the largest share of Muslims living in London, were born in the UK. About 8% were born in other parts of Europe.

How Many Muslims in the UK: Census by Gender and Age

In Britain, the Muslim gender is different, with men having a higher number than women.  There are 310,477 Muslim men and 296,606 Muslim women in London. This gender profile may be attributed to patterns of migration history. It may be common for men with families to immigrate alone and for families to follow later.

The youngest age profile of Muslims belongs to the UK. Almost one-third of Muslims are aged 0-15 years. Another 17% are between 16-24 years old. The proportion of Muslims aged 15 years or under is almost double that of the overall population. The median age of Muslims is 27 years, compared to 40 for the overall population. Britain will continue to benefit from this demographic dividend. It enhances society and the economy from a working-age population for several decades to come. The working group is significant as society is entering the older age bands in greater numbers and proportions.

How many Muslims in the UK: Census by Householding and Occupation Categories

Another important reason to know the number of Muslims in the UK is their effect on householding. Of London’s Muslims, fewer Muslims in the UK own their homes. 56.7% of Muslims in London rent their housing.   Almost 38% own their homes, compared with 56% of households in the general population.  The occupation categories of employed London Muslims aged 16-74 are in categories as such: 16% managers and senior officials and 13% in professional occupations. 11% are active in professional and technical jobs, and 12% have jobs in administrative and secretarial sections. 6% of the Muslim population is occupied with providing personal services, and 13% are working in sales and customer service.

Violet Chortle Violet Chortle
Violet Chortle Violet Chortle
I’m Violet Chortle, age 29 and a proud bisexual. I hold the title of Chief Laughter Officer at the Giggling Grotto, the amusement park where laughter is our top priority. My job? Ensuring everyone leaves with a smile and a bellyache from giggling too much. I have a knack for turning any situation into a comedy act, and I’m known for my ever-growing collection of novelty socks.

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