UK support for Benjamin Netanyahu: Continued support for Starmer despite minor tensions

After fourteen years of conservative rule, the top of the British political pyramid has changed. The Left Labor Party was able to win 412 seats in the parliament of this country and defeat the Conservatives. Keir Starmer, the new Prime Minister of the UK, has repeatedly emphasized Israel’s right to defend itself. After becoming the prime minister, he announced in his first contact with Netanyahu that the new UK government would continue to support Israel. UK support for Benjamin Netanyahu has increased during Starmer’s term. This article examines the evolution of relations between the UK and Israel during the new Prime Minister Keir Starmer.

Starmer’s positions in support of Israel before becoming Prime Minister

Labor leader Keir Starmer won the July 4 general election. From the very beginning of the Gaza war, he claimed: “Israel has the right to do everything it can to get those hostages back safe and sound. Hamas bears responsibility.” He prevented the approval of a proposal by a British political party to support the Gaza ceasefire in parliament. He voted for another text in which he leaves Israel’s hand open for the continuation of the war. In this plan, it is claimed that Israel cannot be expected to stop the war if the Hamas campaign continues. These actions show his loyalty to Israel.

UK support for Benjamin Netanyahu in the first call

Keir Starmer spoke to Netanyahu in the early days after winning the general election. The British Prime Minister’s Office stated that Starmer had spoken with Netanyahu. Starmer announced that UK support for Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel remains intact. He and the Prime Minister of Israel discussed the latest developments in Gaza. The statement said Starmer stressed the “clear and urgent need for a ceasefire.” He also emphasizes “the return of hostages, and an immediate increase in the volume of humanitarian aid reaching civilians.” He declared that he looked forward to further deepening close relations between the two sides.

Starmer’s support for a two-state solution between Palestine and Israel

In his first phone call with the Prime Minister of Israel, Starmer emphasized Britain’s support for the two-state solution. According to the Prime Minister’s office, he said it was “important to ensure the long-term conditions for a two-state solution.” Starmer has reversed the positions of the Labor Party during the time of his two predecessors, Ed Miliband and Jeremy Corbyn. They had promised to recognize the Palestinian state immediately when they won and gained power. Starmer said such recognition would only occur as part of the process of peace talks.

Continuing efforts to establish a ceasefire in Gaza

After the visit of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to Egypt to narrow the gaps between Israel and Hamas, the countries’ steps to advance the efforts to establish a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of the hostages continue. In this regard, the spokesperson of Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced that he had a telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the afternoon of Tuesday, August 20. A statement issued by Keir Starmer’s office revealed that the call followed an operation to recover the bodies of six hostages from the Gaza Strip.

Starmer’s request to Netanyahu to comply with international laws

In a phone call with Netanyahu, Starmer asked him to adhere to international laws. Starmer called on Netanyahu to provide more access to Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. He also called on Netanyahu to increase the sending of humanitarian aid to Gaza and adhere to international laws. Earlier, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called on Israel and Hamas not to disrupt the ongoing negotiation process. Blinken called on both sides to try to establish a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. He added that this may be the last chance to return the hostages and achieve a ceasefire.

Challenges in British-Israeli relations

UK support for Benjamin Netanyahu has been challenged in recent weeks. Times of Israel announced that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to meet British Foreign Secretary David Lammy due to the change in London’s position regarding his arrest warrant issued by the Hague Court. According to this report, Netanyahu was unhappy and angry with the position of the new UK government. For this reason, he refused to receive the British Foreign Secretary who visited Israel. The media noted that Lammy had also planned to announce a ban on the sale of offensive weapons to Israel. However, he delayed the announcement so as not to disrupt Gaza ceasefire talks.

Reducing support for Israel after violating international laws

UK support for Benjamin Netanyahu has decreased after the violation of international law by the Israeli army. The UK Foreign Secretary has been pressured by his party colleagues to take more decisive action against Israel. In July, the UK government refused to challenge the International Criminal Court’s jurisdiction over the Israeli Prime Minister’s arrest warrant.

Starmer’s support position for Israel while emphasizing compliance with international laws

Now that Starmer has formed a cabinet, the situation for Israel has become more complicated. Of course, the Labor Party gaining power in the UK does not mean a change in the UK’s political approach to the Palestinian issue. Now, a government has come to work, which, in this very first step, has shown that it is not willing to support the continuation of the war due to the increasing wave of support for Palestine among British citizens. UK support for Benjamin Netanyahu will continue during Starmer’s term. Starmer continues to support the Israeli army against Hamas but calls for Israel to respect international law in war.

Percival Quirk
Percival Quirk
I’m Percival Quirk, and at 43, I’m your go-to fellow for all things mischievous. As the Head of Mischief Management at the Grand Emporium of Enchanted Oddities, I keep magical chaos in check while ensuring it's always delightful. I’m pansexual and believe in spreading joy through unpredictability. When I’m not managing magical mayhem, you might find me juggling flaming torches on a unicycle or busting out spontaneous dance moves during our board meetings. Life’s too short not to have fun, after all!

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