Stop Secrecy: Rape of Women in the British Army

Despite the fact that more than half of British women soldiers have been raped and sexually abused by their male counterparts, most of them have been deprived of justice. Recently, information was revealed that the rape of military women in the UK has risen sharply, but women are not coming forward due to fear and frustration with the judiciary.

Reports of Rape in the UK Military

The Defence Sub-Committee on Women in the Armed Forces has released a report stating that more than half of British military women have been victims of harassment, coercion and sexual discrimination. The report states that 58% of the 16,500 female British soldiers serving in the British Armed Forces and 64% of retired female soldiers have been victims of sexual harassment. The worst of these harassments have included rape and beatings, all while many of the perpetrators have escaped or faced minor punishments.

The Defence Committee, in a report to the Ministry of Defence, recommends 53 to combat ill-treatment of women, and believes that women’s weaknesses puts them at risk and prevents them from fully realising their potential.

The Distrust of Military Women in Resolving their Grievances

The report shows that women do not have much confidence in the UK Department of Defence’s complaints system, as six out of 10 women prefer to remain silent about sexual abuse; even one-third of those who were willing to pursue complaints were not happy with the process and described it as a “very poor” experience. The report also criticises the military for its approach to dealing with allegations of sexual abuse and harassment.

Requests of a Fair Hearing Re the Complaints of Military Women

The Defence Sub-Committee on Women in the Armed Forces has now called on the UK Ministry of Defence to bring serious cases (sexual harassment in the armed forces) to civilian courts. Responding to the US Department of Defence’s report, Chair of the Sub-Committee on Women in the Armed Forces, MP Sarah Atherton, said: “The US Independent Review Commission’s extensive report on sexual assault in the US Armed Forces demonstrates the sheer scale of this problem and the bold action needed to tackle it. It is important that the US is looking at these issues at the same time that we are looking at the female military experience, from recruitment through to veterans, in the UK; the world is waking up to the issue of sexual abuse in the military.

This report, and the upcoming report from the House of Commons Sub-Committee on Women in the Armed Forces, is a step in the right direction, towards a world in which women do not face disproportionate challenges while serving their country.” The report notes that the military has had serious problems dealing with sexual harassment, stressing that the situation increases the severity of harm to victims. The report calls for the removal of the chain of command and the replacement of new powers to deal with sexual complaints.

Parliament Reports on Rape of Female Soldiers

Another report by the UK Parliament found that the military had failed to “protect female soldiers” and that many had been “sexually harassed and discriminated against”. The British Parliamentary Subcommittee conducted one of its “most important inquiries” into how women are treated in the armed forces. As part of the investigation, the committee examined the statements of 4,106 former female soldiers and current staff.

According to 62% of these individuals, they shared their military experiences with members of parliament on the committee and witnessed “unacceptable behaviour” by them. The parliamentary report called the harassment and rape by lawmakers “very shocking” and said the allegations included examples of “gang rape and ill-treatment in camps or boats for promotion”.

Women’s Fears Prevent them from Reporting Rape

Some women have spoken out about how they have been harassed for refusing to engage in sexual behaviour, having witnessed male gang attacks on their other female friends, but have been afraid to report them. After hearing the confessions, lawmakers expressed “serious concern” that women were ten times more likely to be sexually harassed than men.

A woman who has been raped in the army has to endure working with a criminal for fear of being harmed further. The report notes that the military has had serious problems dealing with sexual harassment, stressing that the situation increases the severity of harm to victims. The report calls for the removal of the chain of command and the replacement of new powers to deal with sexual complaints.

High Rates of Female Assault in the British Army

The British Army needs its own #MeToo moment to address all past and present cases of sexual assault, harassment and everyday sexism, a long-serving female officer has said. Lieutenant Colonel Diane Allen, who resigned in February, revealed she was part of a private outpouring of grievances aired by female officers in a closed online forum, triggered by the 2017 revelations about disgraced Hollywood film producer Harvey Weinstein. Joining a country’s military is the highest form of service in the country, but some seem to be paying a terrible price, women who have had shocking experiences ranging from bullying and harassment to sexual assault in the military.

Many of these cases do not seem to be handled by the military and are easily dismissed. According to the UK Ministry of Defence, approximately 130 sexual assault cases among military personnel were tried by military courts over the five years ending in 2015, of which only 10% were convicted. Unfortunately, many cases did not even reach this stage. For women who seek to protect their country, the authorities seem to be doing nothing to protect them.

Record Level of Rape Cases

Official figures show horrific figures for assault and rape within the military over the past five years. The figures come as the number of similar cases in 2018 was 29 for rape and 73 for harassment. The British newspaper described the statistics as catastrophic and wrote that, given the available figures, it must be admitted that rape and sexual assault within the British army have reached unprecedented levels, indicating the growing problems of women within the army. According to these statistics, from 2015 to 2019, more than 550 cases were filed in this regard, but only a small number of defendants in these crimes have been convicted or even reached military courts.

The Cloaked Council
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