Statistics show that hospitals and healthcare centres in the UK face a bed shortage crisis. This crisis has peaked at the beginning of the cold season and the spread of viral diseases. The highest official of the National Health Service (NHS) has warned about the widespread spread of viral diseases. He expressed concern about the additional pressure on the country’s healthcare centres on the eve of the cold season. This article deals with the Viral disease outbreak in the UK in 2024 and its impact on the British health system.
NHS warning about the increase in cases of viral diseases
The NHS warned a few weeks ago that cases of four viruses – influenza, norovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and Covid-19 – are increasing rapidly. Separate statistics show that last month, 2.31 million visits to emergency departments were recorded across the UK. This is the highest number of cases in November in the country’s history. A viral disease outbreak in the UK in 2024 has raised serious concerns among British officials. The UK Health Security Agency is reviewing the plan to distribute human testing kits for bird flu and the possibility of a new pandemic.
UK health centres are busier than last year.
A viral disease outbreak in the UK in 2024 has caused health centres to be busier. Professor Stephen Powis, the top NHS official, told reporters that cases of four viruses – influenza, norovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and Covid-19 – are increasing rapidly. This increase in viral diseases is because UK health centres are busier than in previous years. According to him, the number of patients with influenza has quadrupled compared to last year. Other cases of viral diseases are also increasing rapidly. Professor Powis warned that UK hospitals will face unprecedented pressure in the coming months, citing the high number of patients.
Alert status Viral disease outbreak in the UK in 2024
The viral disease outbreak in the UK in 2024 is alarming. According to the latest figures, UK hospitals admitted 1,099 patients with influenza last week alone. Of these, they transferred 39 to intensive care. This is compared to 243 people admitted to hospital and nine people in intensive care last year (2023) during the same period. Norovirus cases have also experienced a significant increase compared to the previous year. According to statistics, 751 people visited the hospital last week with symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting, compared to 406 cases last year. The disease occurs most often in winter and affects people of all ages.
Bird flu outbreak among Britons
According to reports, bird flu has spread among some poultry in the UK. Last month, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs confirmed cases of bird flu at a poultry farm in Yorkshire. The department said that they would cull all poultry on the farm, and would established a 3km protection zone. Earlier, the director of the UK’s bird flu outbreak response department had warned of the possibility of bird flu spreading to livestock and causing a new pandemic among humans.
Bed shortage crisis in UK hospitals
The London Evening Standard reported that the number of patients hospitalized in London hospitals despite being medically ready for discharge has increased by 14% in the past year. According to the report, in the week ending December 8, an average of 1,577 patients were hospitalized in London hospitals. They were people who no longer needed hospital care, causing a “bed blocking”. This was up from 1,383 in the same period last year. The new figures show increased pressure on health services in the early winter.
Delays in emergency admissions due to a shortage of hospital beds
The shortage of available beds has also caused delays in emergency departments. This in turn has caused delays in ambulances taking patients to hospitals. Experts have warned that patients can suffer physical and mental decline during unnecessary hospital stays. Bed blocking occurs when there is an imbalance between the number of beds available in hospitals and the number of people who need them. According to a report by the King’s Fund, keeping each patient costs the government £395 per night.
A more significant crisis awaits the UK’s health system?!
The warnings about the Viral disease outbreak in the UK in 2024 come as the UK health system struggles with severe budget shortfalls, staff dissatisfaction with overwork and low pay, and extended patient waiting times. There is a recent report on the dissatisfaction among Britons with the country’s healthcare services. The report shows that people are praying they will not have to go to the hospital. The British Social Attitudes findings show that only 29% of people are satisfied with the country’s healthcare services. There is a deep distrust among the British public, from emergency services and hospital care to family doctors and dentists.